Seng Kong Se is affiliated with Association of Parents of the People with Intellectual Disabilities. Seng Kong Se is a home-style, assisting living hostel with two-bedrooms. It provides two-year training based on a community service model, as well as daily living skills training to people with mild and moderate intellectual disabilities. The goal is to enhance their independent living capabilities. Moreover, temporary accommodation is also available those with emergency needs.
● 為具有基本自我照顧能力和日常生活技能的輕、中度智障人士提供住宿服務;
● Provide housing to people with mild and moderate intellectual disabilities those have basic self-care abilities and daily living skills.
● 經訓練後可讓服務使用者獨自在社區生活;
● Allow the service users to live independently in the community after the training.
● 經訓練後提升服務使用者的自我生活照顧能力,從而減輕家人的照顧壓力,最終可回家再與家人一起同住。
● Enhance the self-care abilities of the service users which in turn relieve the family members’ pressure. The ultimate goal is for the service users to return home and live with their families.
● 年滿十六歲或以上的輕、中度智障人士
● People with mild and moderate intellectual disabilities aged 16 or above.
A valid Macau ID
Basic self-care abilities and daily living skills
Sufficient mental and physical fitness for group life
No severe infectious diseases
No severe aggressive or self-inflicting behaviors
固定宿位 Regular::41位
暫住宿位 Temporary::4位
Operate 24 hours a day throughout the year.
Parent’s/Guardian’s written note for withdrawal from the services is required
The user completes the training after 2 years, or is able to complete prior to that period.
(If the user cannot acquire independent living skills after the 2-year training, as extension of service will be considered.)
We firmly believe that with "equal opportunity" and through normal and interactive training in daily living activities, people with intellectual disabilities can live with dignity in the mainstream society.
● 24小時住宿服務 24-hour housing service
● 早、晚餐膳食 Breakfast and dinner
● 生活技能訓練 Daily living skills training
● 個別訓練及輔導 Individual training and counseling
● 異性相處及性教育 Opposite sex communication and sex education
● 文娛康樂活動 Recreational activities
● 小組工作 Group work
● 家屬工作 Family support
● 社區教育 Community education
● 義工服務 Volunteer service
● 暫住服務 Temporary accommodation
● 生活適應跟進 Follow-up service
For regular placement::Directly apply to Governo da Raem Instituto de Acção Social
For temporary placement::Directly apply to Casa Luz Da Estrela
星期一至五 (Mon - Fri) :18:00- 21:00
星期六、日 (Sat & Sun) : 09:00- 21:00